– Ab Wheel –
Ab wheel routine may look like an innocent staple and perhaps even a fun gym workout. In practice, it’s an advanced tool that delivers a seriously intense, next-level core challenge. Today’s ab routines are more versatile than ever. If you’re looking for one more way to mix up that ab training, then it’s time to consider the ab wheel.

Sure, you can slog through sets of situps and rounds of planks over and over again. But, more and more, core workouts incorporate tools like treadmills, skipping, dumbbells, and other ab workouts.
It is a little-known fact that 89 percent of fitness-related articles on the Internet were created with the goal of identifying, once and for all, the perfect core workout.
We are pleased to report that this ambitious, quixotic quest has finally arrived at its end, which comes not in the form of a complicated machine you pay for in installments, or one of those extremely dubious electrical stimulation belts or some a breakthrough variety of crunch discovered just last month by a team of well-compensated scientists working deep in a Nike research bunker.
No, the simplest and most cost-effective ab workout you can find comes courtesy of this: the ab wheel.
Here is how the ab wheel works
Start in a kneeling position with your torso parallel to the floor, and place the wheel on the ground in front of you, like you’re giving a horsey ride to your niece, except please note that you should not give a horsey ride to your niece when using an ab wheel.
Slowly roll forward, straightening at the waist and allowing your arms to extend in front of you as far as they can go, while still ensuring that you can stop and reverse the direction of the movement eventually.
Keep your back straight throughout, and control both phases of the motion—out and back—with your core.
The slower you go, the more difficult the exercise will be. The hardest part comes on the way back when you have to use your core, not your arms, to fold at the shoulders like a jackknife to return to the original position.
Even if you’re a reasonably fit person, if you haven’t used an ab wheel before, your body should be good for a set before it starts to wobble like a newborn goat failing spectacularly to walk for the first time.
Listed below are a few of the most effective exercises to do on the ab wheel. Some of these provide a slight twist from the typical for added flare. These can be used with the ab wheel to strengthen and tone up the muscles of your core.
1. Crouching Ab Wheel Roll Out
Start on the ground in a bear crawl position with both hands on the ab wheel.
While bracing the core tightly, use both legs to roll yourself out to a high plank position while balancing on the wheel.
From the plank position, drive 1 knee in at a time to touch your knee to the same side elbow.
After 1 set of knee tucks, use your legs to roll yourself back to the starting position and repeat.
Beginner: 8 to 10 reps
Intermediate: 12 to 15 reps
Advanced: 20 to 30 reps
2. Kneeling Ab Wheel Roll Out
Equipment needed: ab wheel and a soft pad or mat for your knees
Start on both knees with the ab wheel just in front of the body on the floor.
Tighten the core with arms fully extended and slowly roll the wheel forward until your body is parallel to the ground.
Squeeze your core tight, without your back arching, and roll yourself back to the starting position, and repeat.
Beginner: 8 to 10 reps
Intermediate: 12 to 15 reps
Advanced: 20 to 30 reps
3. Oblique Wheel Roll Outs
Equipment needed: ab wheel and a soft pad or mat for your knees
Start on both knees with your lower body turned slightly to the right (or left). Place hands on the ab wheel just to the side of the body.
Brace the core tightly with arms fully extended, and slowly roll the wheel forward until your body is parallel to the ground.
Roll out as far as you can, then roll yourself back to the starting position.
Beginner: 8 to 10 reps
Intermediate: 12 to 15 reps
Advanced: 20 to 30 reps
4. “Weaving Through Traffic”
Equipment needed: ab wheel and a treadmill
Stand on the ground at the base of a treadmill that is turned on to a 2.5 mph pace and place the ab wheel on the middle of the belt.
With both arms fully extended and your core braced, roll out to a high plank position over the treadmill with both feet still firmly placed on the ground.
Once you are in the plank position, begin “weaving” on the wheel from side to side as fast or as wide as you can manage with control for time.
Return to the starting position and repeat.
Beginner: 2, 30-second rounds
Intermediate: 3, 45-second rounds
Advanced: 4, 60-second rounds
5. The Takeaway
These exercises are great for everyone and can be scaled to meet the needs of any level of fitness.
That said, be warned, beginners should aim to complete one to two exercises of this type every three to four days to allow for complete recovery. If you have a history of low back pain, start out small, limit the distance you roll out, and consider working with someone to monitor your form.
This could save you from hours of pain later! Staying healthy and fit should be something that makes you feel better in the long run, not worse.
While maintaining your alignment, slowly roll the ab wheel forward. Your arms should remain long with a slight bend in your elbows.
Roll only as far as you can maintain a neutral spine position. Your body should form a straight line through your knees, hips, shoulders, and ears.
Pause for a second at the bottom of the exercise.
To begin the upward movement, maintain your alignment and begin to roll back to the starting position.
Roll the ab wheel until it is once again underneath your chest. Repeat for each repetition.
How to Do Ab Wheel Rollouts Correctly
To use the ab wheel correctly, you need great core strength in a plank position as well as good upper body strength, especially in the shoulders, back, and forearms.

Depending on your current fitness level, it can take a couple of months of hard work to build up the strength needed to effectively do the ab wheel.
Done the wrong way, ab wheel rollouts could become a lat-focused exercise and could potentially strain your lower back. Feelings any pain in your lower back as you use the ab wheel? stop and build up your core strength with other exercises, like planks and walkouts, before giving it a go again.
If you have a history of injury in any of these places and/or they begin hurting as you do this movement, stop and regress the exercise.
For the ab wheel exercise, begin by performing 2–3 sets of 8–12 repetitions.
Grab the handles on the ab wheel and get down on all fours with your knees and toes flexed and in contact with the floor. Your hips should be over your knees. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart, and the ab wheel should be under your chest.
Push your hips forward until you create a straight line from your knees to your ears. Your body should be at a 45-degree angle from the ground.
Pre-tension your shoulders and hips while engaging your core and squeezing your glutes.
Rotate your shoulders outward to engage your lats. Your chin should remain tucked throughout the movement as if you were holding an egg under your chin. All repetitions should begin from this position.
We recommend You purchase your top-quality ab wheel, accessories, and other fitness equipment from valuehubservices at relatively good prices by clicking here.
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